Horizon Fleet/Superliner Question


New Member
For any of you who model Amtrak and/or other passenger lines.

I'm planning on running some Amtrak cars on my layout, and I am not so sure abour the radius of the curves. From what I have read, Walthers advises modelers to use a minimum of 24" radius when running the Horizon and Superliner cars.

Obviously, thats a big turn, and, since my layout will have a lot more straight track than curved, I am willing to sacrifice some realism in the name of space.

Simply put: Will Horizon and Superliner cars run along 18" radius track without derailing?
As for Superliners, I doubt it, w/o some major modification. Mine derails on my 22" test track.
Mine have to run on a 24" radius & most of my curves were bigger than that.
I have some 89ft. flats that have the couplers mounted on the trucks & they turn on a short radius. You might try that on your Horizons. Just try it on 2 or 3 to start. You can get the long couplers from Kadee & McHenry.

