ho- should I use re-railer tracks


New Member
Before I lay down my track, I'd like to know if the experienced HO people think that I should use re-railer tracks and if so, how often and where:confused: . How necessary are they?

Before I lay down my track, I'd like to know if the experienced HO people think that I should use re-railer tracks and if so, how often and where:confused: . How necessary are they?


Ideally, you want your track to be so bullet proof that you don't need them and if a engine or a car derail easily, you fix the car or fix the track or both.

In essence, they don't usually look good.

That said, I like to place them at the entrances to tunnels where they are not seen and on staging tracks.
Before I lay down my track, I'd like to know if the experienced HO people think that I should use re-railer tracks and if so, how often and where:confused: . How necessary are they?


Necessary? No, wonderful to have, yes. IMHO, their appearance is based largely on brand and scale. Example the Atlas code 100 looks much less realistic than code 83. I like to use them in fiddle yards, staging yards, either side of wall throughs and where I have a road crossing a large layout. The Code 83, which I use, can be worked into the scenery pretty easily. I think I am years away from having track, wheelsets and locomotives so reliable that I'll never have a wheel come off somewhere.

My 2 cents for what it is worth.

