Hello From Ohio


New Member
Hi my name is Dave and I am from the Youngstown Ohio area, I am 32 yrs old and I had some trains when I was a kid. I still have alot of those trains N,HO,O scale I have mostly HO Scale but I have always been attracted to N Scale. My father gave me his old Lionel O Scale train set several years back and since then I have not done much with these trains. For the last 10 yrs or so they have been all boxed up and put away. Now that I am older and have a 4 yr old son and my own home, I have been wanting to setup a layout with him and for my self. I do not have much room to work with, and with the recent install of a 75gal Saltwater fish tank into our basement wall I have a feeling the wife will not give me much to work with either...lol. I am looking to setup a N scale layout since I am kinda limitted on space, I do not know much about N scale and it has been many years since I have played around with model trains. So pretty much I am new to the hobby and looking for some guidence along the way. What do I look for when purchasing a quality N scale Locomotive? and track wise I know there is much more out there now then when I use to use trains. Any and all info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Welcome to the forums..

Speaking from a UK perspective (there's a lot more selection in the US), Peco N gauge track is fine & reasonably priced, well over here anyway lol.. As far as loco's go, I think the Kato range are supposed to be the best but when I did N (I now do HO) the Bachmann range were pretty good, reliable and very reasonably priced.. It really depends on what you want out of the hobby, but that said, if your allowing your little'un 'play trains' then I would personally start out with the Bachmann rolling stock as it's cheap & cheerful & quite robust, & then get some better quality bits for yourself...
