Have Atlas MP15DC HO DCC Switchers Improved Since Their 2006 Release?


New Member
I found a new Atlas Master Series Gold MP15DC switcher from the February/July 2006 release in a road name & number I would like to buy. I see that there have been at least four releases since then. Are they all the same mechanically and electrically/electronically?

There is no difference in the descriptions of features across the releases, except for using " golden-white LEDs" for the directional lighting. They all use the terms "Electronic Dual-Mode® Decoder (e-DMD)" and "QSI® Quantum System™ ."

Can I assume they are all the same? There have been no improvements in performance over these years?

I was going to order a switcher from BLI, but then I stumbled upon this Atlas unit, which is a prototypical engine from my youth.

And, from reading the forum here, it seems that the majority of people feel that Atlas is at least a bit better than BLI. Its going to be my only switcher, I really want one that has great slow speed operation. I'm going to buy a NCE PowerCab DCC system.

Jim (a newbie)
