Great Plains switching layout build.

Well as I cool my heels waiting for Amhurst before making any structure purchases, I decided to dive in to the final control panel since I do have all the turnouts mounted and wired.

I finished the physical construction today, and got the toggles installed. I will begin the wiring tomorrow. You can see the holes drilled for the LEDS, but I am still fiddling with how to mount them. I have those little plastic 3mm LED panel mounts, but they don't work with the 3 lead bi color LEDs I am using. I may end up just shoving them into the holes for now.
Well as I cool my heels waiting for Amhurst before making any structure purchases, I decided to dive in to the final control panel since I do have all the turnouts mounted and wired.

I finished the physical construction today, and got the toggles installed. I will begin the wiring tomorrow. You can see the holes drilled for the LEDS, but I am still fiddling with how to mount them. I have those little plastic 3mm LED panel mounts, but they don't work with the 3 lead bi color LEDs I am using. I may end up just shoving them into the holes for now.
View attachment 208658
Very professional! Puts my redneck bubba stuff to shame.😁
Speaking of bubba'd stuff...double sided tape on the back of the holes, then punch a hole for the LED.
Well as I cool my heels waiting for Amhurst before making any structure purchases, I decided to dive in to the final control panel since I do have all the turnouts mounted and wired.

I finished the physical construction today, and got the toggles installed. I will begin the wiring tomorrow. You can see the holes drilled for the LEDS, but I am still fiddling with how to mount them. I have those little plastic 3mm LED panel mounts, but they don't work with the 3 lead bi color LEDs I am using. I may end up just shoving them into the holes for now.
View attachment 208658
That looks great!

Nicely done!
So now that my control panel is pretty much complete it is time to take a second look at industries Like we said in the Air Force, no plan survives the first battle, which in this case was actually putting the track down versus looking at a computer. While my turnouts are pretty much now where they are going to stay, all the "ears" are pretty much flexible still, but after staring at it for the last month or so, I have revised my industry plan a bit as follows (please forgive the horrible stitching job, I just don't want to take the time to properly do a panorama). Keep in mind I can move the track around a bit to suit the structures. The "Small Manufacturer" will probably not be rail served, but just adding to the background. There will be a backdrop eventually as well.

Industry plan2.jpg

The food warehouse structure will be around 2.5 inches deep. Either a Walthers or DP kit bash of some type, with one or two boxcars going inside the structure. Having some sort of pneumatic type hopper offloading on the second track is an option. I Picture both boxcars and gondolas or flats on the Team Track. The grain structure will be the biggest on the layout, effetely hiding the mainline (staging) track behind it. I have a small GN Depot kit on the way from the GN Historical Society that will find a place along the main hopefully. The lower right will be mostly "off layout" but a small propane dealer.
GN6  Industries.jpg

I am hoping to get inspired this weekend at the Amherst show!
So now that my control panel is pretty much complete it is time to take a second look at industries Like we said in the Air Force, no plan survives the first battle, which in this case was actually putting the track down versus looking at a computer. While my turnouts are pretty much now where they are going to stay, all the "ears" are pretty much flexible still, but after staring at it for the last month or so, I have revised my industry plan a bit as follows (please forgive the horrible stitching job, I just don't want to take the time to properly do a panorama). Keep in mind I can move the track around a bit to suit the structures. The "Small Manufacturer" will probably not be rail served, but just adding to the background. There will be a backdrop eventually as well.

View attachment 209713

The food warehouse structure will be around 2.5 inches deep. Either a Walthers or DP kit bash of some type, with one or two boxcars going inside the structure. Having some sort of pneumatic type hopper offloading on the second track is an option. I Picture both boxcars and gondolas or flats on the Team Track. The grain structure will be the biggest on the layout, effetely hiding the mainline (staging) track behind it. I have a small GN Depot kit on the way from the GN Historical Society that will find a place along the main hopefully. The lower right will be mostly "off layout" but a small propane dealer.
View attachment 209715

I am hoping to get inspired this weekend at the Amherst show!
Just a few thoughts to consider.

You don't have a sorting track. You have a lot of industries, but no where to temporarily place cars while doing other duties. The "propane spot" would be a perfect sorting track. Just rework the road way.

That's a large grain facility. If it's going to be a mill you will probably need storage tanks that will take up a lot more room. If it's a truck serviced grain elevator you're good to go. Here's a link to a lot of feed mill operations.

Your food warehouse could very easily be a background model made from DPM stuff. I made a canning facility and a background freight depot on my current layout using their parts. My space is very limited also.

Freight Depot prior to scenery

Cannery with corn syrup and saline tanks


Not much has been going on in the week since the big train show. I've. been working on a small "learning kit" from DPM, but structure building can be tricky in the winter here. I can't spray paint in my tiny train room as there is not enough ventilation, and at the moment it is in the single digits outside, ruling out even spraying in the garage. So, I'm kind of on hold on that project. I did pick up a few things at the show, including some rolling stock and a loco, as well as a few structure kits. Today I am going to get the new GP9 on the programing track.

Yes I am modeling the GN/BN, but I can't resist having a few Maine visitors on the layout :)
