Gravel road - Good or Awful?

OK, guys, here are the final photo of that danged road. :) A wedding party is starting assemble at the church:


I got rid of most of the grass in the middle and added more gravel to the middle and shoulders. Still tried to keep some red clay mud look with tire ruts. Man, what a pain. ;)
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Lookin' more believable. Colors and textures are smoother - less clumpy- and blended more naturally. If not for the pain, there would be no .... ;o)
Corey, indeed, I think I've spent about 10 hours total doing and redoing this 18 inch stretch of road. It actually looks better in person than pictures but the locals that have seen say it looks like a church road to them. I guess this is like the difference between a shake the box kit and scratchbuilding. It's your own eye and skills that make something scratchbuilt look believable.
Jim, that looks light-years better than it did before! I think getting rid of the grass between the ruts is what made the biggest difference.

I see you removed the 'bishop', too - I was going to recommend that if you hadn't. In every Protestant* church I've seen, the pastor always wore a regular 3-piece suit - no cassocks or mitre (the pointy cap that bishops wear during ultra-formal occassions).

* Episcopal priests wear cassocks, but Espiscopal churches are usually only found in wealthy neighborhoods and they always have well-paved driveways! ;)
Ken, I decided to model it after a Church of Christ rather than a Catholic church since there aren't a lot of Catholics down here. :) I know the preacher at our local church and I'm making a model of him in his suit. He has a very distinctive balding pattern and I told him I was making a model of him 20 years from now (he's 40 now) and he will be a little more rotund than he is now. :D
