Funny Railroad Story!!!


A yardmaster at work told me this a while back and I thought I would share!!

When this yardmaster hired out he was doing some training in Flint Michigan Near a powerplant, anyway he was with a clerk in a company vehicle sitting off to the side of a crossing taking down car numbers as an inbound coal train was pulling in. It was around 2 or 3 in the morning and as the coal train was pulling in it went into emergency! Then a Chevy Celebrity pulled up to the lighted crossing with the coal train blocking it. About ten minutes later as the yardmaster and clerk were chatting all of a sudden the Celebrity steps on the gas, tires spinning takes off forward and stuffs the nose of the car under a coal hopper!! A minute later a guy gets out of the car takes a look and takes off running down the street!!!! The yardmaster and clerk called the cops and thought the whole situation was bizzare!! The cops found the guy down the street!!

It turns out the guy was really drunk he left a bar and stole the car and made it to the said crossing, Where he passed out then 10 minutes later he awoke thinking the reflection of the crossing lights were the cops and he tried to escape!!!!

I was laughing so hard when he told me this story


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You'd be amazed what people who are drunk do with stolen cars. Every time I was trying to stop a drunk driver and the car came back stolen, I knew the chase would be on. It's not their car, so ripping it to shreds is no big deal.
I had a client who ran into the side of a train. She stopped at the gates, which were down, then apparently fell asleep. Her foot came off the brake and she rolled into the moving cars. (She was not injured.) The best part of the incident was that she wanted us to sue the railroad. :eek:
Lol I hope both of them have designated drivers next time they decide to tie one on.
