FORUM UPGRADES - COMPLETED (For real this time! I hope...)

On my Windows laptop still a little slow but definitely improved. On my Iphone, not even worth trying at the moment.

Thanks for your hard work, Bob. I'm sure it'll get squared away.
On my Windows laptop still a little slow but definitely improved. On my Iphone, not even worth trying at the moment.

Thanks for your hard work, Bob. I'm sure it'll get squared away.

The issue is definitely still here, doing some work, exploring options, but it's a holiday weekend so responses are slow.

At the moment it's really fast again, once you can get here. Let's see how long that lasts, LOL.
Unfortunately, from my end, it's either lightning fast or I'm on a slow boat to China, it keeps switching between the two while I'm in the forum. But I know you're working on it, so no worries from me.
On try #2,198, I've discovered something interesting. There's a cache setting that is on by default. When they clear the cache, this place flies, then slowly it bogs down again. We're going to try some different settings.
I've said this before, but this time it really may be fixed. This guy was able to see the issue and he identified a potential fix. Not sure how long it will stay fixed, but for now I'm optimistic.
