Fixing a weathering mistake


So I made two mistakes when I was trying to weather my grain elevator. I didn't put down a matte finish before weathering (lack of warm ventilated place) and then somehow managed to get finger prints on the model. I was hoping that the matte finish would make the weathering fade but it did not.

Hopefully the picture will come through. It is hard to see the smudges because I had to use my phone since the only warm place was at work.

I used pastel chalks because that was the only thing I could find. I checked Micheals and Wally. Hobbly Lobby was closed on my bi-monthly trip to the city.

So my question is how would you guys go about fixing this? I am to the point that I would like to re-paint the white on the building. Do you think that if I use the white chalk I might be able to tone down the smudges to make them less noticeable or completely gone?

This is my first weathering experience and it has been a roller coaster of WOWS to $h!ts.

I had to put the pic on a word document to get it to save on here.
You could carefully sand the really objectionable spots with 600 grit sand paper. Just a few scrubs, enough to get rid of 80% of what you don't want to see. Then try weathering it in just those spots, and then go over the whole with a very light grey/white light wash.

If you feel squeamish about that, then, yes, you will have to wash the whole kit in warm soapy water and use a soft toothbrush to get rid of anything non-paint. You want as much of the powder gone as you can make it happen.

Then reweather from scratch.

Are you going to wear gloves this time, or wash your hands thoroughly in hot water and dish detergent?

Don't forget to mask off any window!

Thanks for your response. I tried the sanding and got atleast the fingerprint lines off. I will see if I can figure something out to either cover it up (some sort of feed sign) or blend it in more (white chalk).

I am definetly making sure my hands are CLEANED now. And I will wear gloves also.
Just sand a bigger area now to blend it all together and then weather that area again blending it in with the rest ;) Just like fixing a dent in your car ;) Blend....blend....blend
JJ4L, I watched your videos and was wondering what you used for your black wash. Diluted India Ink or what?
I think the best thing to do that will be the only way to end up happy would be wash the model clean and start over. I think you will always be able to see the flaw as long as it is there.
