First Time Layout Planning?? HELP!

I obviously want my layout to be my own
You'r absolute right sir!
I just want to show the possibilities of the space and scale and that there are other shapes for layouts. Ha ha , but it went a little bit out of control...
all the input i can get
For the start, it all deals about it;)

obviously dont want to copy them
:I realy don't mind!:) it was fun and wish you good luck and hope we see/read something soon about your layout(plans)

distance between levels

How much distance will be between levels on this layout? Going with underneath staging seems like a very good idea. I'm just curious has to how many turns the helix would have? The art work on these drawings is very very good. I can't draw that good using a computer.
Ajroland: The distance between the levels is at least 20 cm( 8 inches) thats the minimum... aspecialy between the staging yard and the upper level( in this drawing the yard and steel millbuildings) The 20 cm has to be at least(!!) that wide because the staging yard needs a good acces!!( better is 25/30 cm=12 inches)
The helixes have
, hope I count well, 3 and a 1/2 turns. If you want to make the distance larger, between the staging yard and upper level, just add one more...
BUT it is still a plan/design so you have to meashure/count very well how steep/flat the slopes/helix are going to be. There is enough space for it!
Great you like this plan/can use it for a new start in the mrr hobby
