Dream Models?


New Member
Hello all,
I grew up watching my dad's model trains. Unfortunately YEARS ago he had to dismantle and sell his layout. In the last few years, I've been teaching myself 3D design and have purchased several 3D printers. Unfortunately I do not have the space in my house for a layout right now (hope to change that someday though!), but I have taken to selling models on ebay. So I pose this question to the community: if you could get your hands on any model for your layout what would it be?

Thanks for any insight! I appreciate it!

This is something I wish I had the talent to do. Personally, I'd design shells for the steam streamliners- John Wilkes, Royal Blue, Southern Tennessean, Frisco Firefly. But, I'd design them so they can be fit to either a Bachmann body (to keep the costs down) or possibly a Broadway Limited body.

Models of these locomotives are often expensive and can be rare. If you offer a nicely detailed, streamlined, locomotive at a decent price, you'd be in a good spot.
I grew up watching my dad's model trains. Unfortunately YEARS ago he had to dismantle and sell his layout. In the last few years, I've been teaching myself 3D design and have purchased several 3D printers. Unfortunately I do not have the space in my house for a layout right now (hope to change that someday though!), but I have taken to selling models on ebay. So I pose this question to the community: if you could get your hands on any model for your layout what would it be?
Still waiting for an E5A and B body to go on some existing E unit frame. Seems the BLI or Lifelike E6 frames would be an easy fit.
Oh, I need some Modern automobiles that aren't exotic or European. A Toyota Camery - 4 Runner; Honda Accord CR-V odyssey;
, Ford Focus, Escape, Explorer; Hyundai Elantra; Subaru outback/crosstrak/forester; etc.
