Do PPW Machima Motors fit in Athearn Baldwin Switchers?

I'm not familiar with PPW Machima Motors but why are you trying to replace the Athearn motor? If it's just broken, you can pick up Athearn motors very cheaply on e-bay. There are also a number of other can-type motors that will fit most Athearns if you're looking for a motor with better performance.
Well I've been looking to do an Athearn repowering project and well this old Athearn blue box switcher could use a new motor. Athearn switchers sounded really bad back in the day and I was looking for my worst sounding athearn to repower and that one was it. Mashimas fit in I thought all athearns but I was somewhat iffy about a Baldwin switcher. I just thought that Mashimas were the best motors to put in Athearns to better their performance.
Is yours the BB version with or without flywheels? If it's the pre-flywheel version then repowering isn't going to make a great deal of difference without also upgrading the drive train. If it's the flywheel version, then replacing the motor with the one at has worked for me. I've never found an Athearn BB locomotive it wouldn't fit, including the NW7, so I assume it would work in the Baldwin.
It should, they don't name every unit, but it should. If you're worried, talk to PPW directly, they should be able to let you know.
