Ditch Light Placement?


Well-Known Member
Is there rhyme or reason as to whether ditch lights are located above or below the deck plate on diesels? I want to add some to my GP38-2's and I have seen pictures with the ditch lights both high and low. Is it all preference of the RR?
Are you modeling prototype or just modeling? I know everyone will say this "It's your railroad do what you want" personally I put mine below on a SD45, as it was the easiest!
I agree with Gator,
On my BN/BNSF DRGW/SP I went from photos as to where to place Ditch Lights (DL) on the models as most were installed above the walkway on the prototypes. As far as an FRA mandate to the location on a given unit, probably there was a now lower than** no higher than** type thing. I have seen DL's above the walkway on one end and below on the other of the same locomotive. I remember it was 1997ish that lead locomotives had them on a regular basis on the head end. You can still operate a locomotive on the point w/o DL's, you just can not go over a public xing exceeding 20 mph. It is a real pain too, if there are a lot of public xings. Perhaps a reason they may have been mounted above the walkway was to try and keep them from being broken out hitting stuff, or maybe even because of ease of maintenance or installation at the shops.

On my Modern freelance QA&P I did like Gator said, put them below the walkways because it is sooo much easier.
Hope this helps.
I just installed my first set of ditch lights last night. I went below the walkway. It was my first time working with Fiber Optics. Came out pretty good, too. Lesson learned, though: When using shrink wrap tubing to cover the LEDs, use black, not red. My cab, back end and under the front end have a nice red glow when the lights are on now. :)
All right, I'll say it. I know everyone else has been thinking it.

Since the purpose of ditch lights is to illuminate the ditch, the best location for for ditch lights is -----



Well, here is what it looks like right now, enjoy:

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You just have to see the close up:

Just got my Atlas 8-40BW on the rails, too. It CAME with ditch lights... not wired up or active, but it has them. They are below the deck plate, too. Looks like the WSRR has a standard to work with. :)
