Cutting Roof Angles


House Mother, Cheerleader
I'm using 1/4" ply for my hotel porch roof. In the past, I've done peaked roofs using the "by guess and by golly" method (sanding the edges at an angle 'til the two pieces meet), and it hasn't always worked very well. Is there a precise way to calculate and cut the angle for the peak where two sections of pitched roof meet? I probably learned to do that when I was 12, but that's a LONG time ago. :D
Do you have a angle or square? A small miter box would help also. If you are talking about the actual roof, if you have access to a table saw, you can set the pitch/angle on it to get a clean joint line. Since you are doing that "G" stuff, I would imagine it is closer to "real" construction. Sorry can't be more help.
I'm not sure you could physically fit the pieces in, but would this help?


BTW, Claudia, thanks for "making me" go over to the Micro-Mark website. Wonder what this will cost me... :D :D :D
Thanks for the tips, David! I thought I'd try the portico first, before I take a shot at the main roof. I don't have access to a table saw, but with building kits being so pricy, I might look for a used mini table saw and try some scratchbuilding. I might be able to find one for the price of a large scale building kit!

Dremel makes a router/shaper table, but that's overkill for now --- I'm not inspired to try serious woodworking yet. I do have angles and squares, and a small miter box. I'll think about this some more. What's funny is that I edited a how-to book about roofing about 15 years ago, but I can't remember a word of it.

Hmmm. I wonder if anyone makes a mini compound miter saw? Time to do some Googling. :)
Oh, WOW, Grande Man! I think that's too small for my current application, but what a neat tool! (Have I mentioned that I'm nuts about tools and gadgets?)
Claudia, Do you have a Home Depot or a Lowes close by? That's a place to go & find free instructions w/their how-to pamplets. Or how about your local library in the construction dept. You can also go on the internet & get free downloads on roof angles.

Well, I spent a couple of hours messing around today, and cut the triangles that will fill the area under the portico roof. In doing so, I realized that the apex of the triangle will give me the angle for the bevels. Duh! This chicken ain't completely dumb. :D

But, thinking ahead to the main roof, I have another question: Does anyone know of a source for 1:24 roof cap material --- the angled gizmo that covers the roof peak?
