Coupler Cut Bars


Does anyone sell coupler cut bars (of any type, though preferably AAR Type 1) with the brackets already installed/molded on?

I'm getting tired of trying to put those d@mn Details Associates brackets on the bars, only to lose 2 or 3 as they go flying across the room. :mad: Having the bar and brackets mounted separately is pretty stupid if you ask me. How often are you going to use the bars to actually uncouple a locomotive?

I know what you are talking about. I use the Plano cut bars on my freight cars and have lost the mounting plates many times.
Whoops, actually, I think I meant uncoupling levers/coupler lift bars for locomotives. I always confuse the two.
A trick I use goes like this.

1) Mount coupler lift bar brackets on pilot face
2) Take a BRAND NEW X-acto blade and cut the loop open, then twist the blade *slightly* to open it up
3) Install the coupler bar into the opened brackets
4) Take a small pair of tweezers and pinch the brackets shut again
5) Take some quick cure CA and dab a very small amount of it (using a straight pin) onto the loop to glue it shut again.
6) Give it a few seconds, and gently wiggle the coupler bar and it will break loose inside the bracket, therefore remaining operational. DONE.

This actually works, is SUPER easy to accomplish. In my experience, the CA bonds very weakly to the metal.
Fantastic! Now why didn't I think of doing that instead of *** ah! never mind :D
Great idea I'll have to copy and save that tip, thanks efram

Cheers Willis
You know what's funny? I had to install backwards/lose/break about 237938279832987 of those brackets before I cheated with this method. Now I actually look forward to coupler lift bars. LOL.
