Building the Pinnacle Creek Mining & Timber Co. RR

Here's one I took a day or two ago. Steam and stream. Jim:D

Willie, Thanks. My wife picked this one out. Other than the smoke, no enhancements. Just natural light in the train room. Jim:)
I got a new camera Nikon P520 a year or so ago. I only took a few photos then to see if it worked. I finally down loaded the manual and here is something I came up with. Jim:D

Thanks guys. RR, It doesn't work that way. The photo is take in B/W, but the camera allows you to choose from a color palette which color you want to highlight. I chose red and you can see the result.

KB, Nope, it will be 80 here today. I can follow your thinking though. Jim :eek:
A very effective photographic effect, the hi-lighting of certain features is enough to create the illusion of a fully colored picture, and the black&white for the rest, the cold dismalness of a heavily overcast winter's day.
Toot, Surely such a calamity of a cold, overcast winter's day does not happen in your neighborhood? Jim :eek:

We may not be getting snow up here, but this has been the worst winter we've had in years as far as sunshine is concerned. Dullness and cloud have almost become the norm. Queensland's tourism advertising used to feature the phrase " Beautiful one day, perfect the next" to lure the southerners up for a winter break. Haven't heard or seen that one for quite a long time. Poor old Tassie where Rodney McGiveron lives has been getting a right battering from storms this year.
Sorry to hear you lost the sun. As for Tassie, it is not like it is 100 km from you! They're lucky the whole place doesn't get blown 'out to sea.' Jim:eek:
You're right about Tassie getting blown away, they've been on the tail end of several systems that have originated from either the north west of western Aus, which moved across the whole country to Queensland and then moved down the east coast as severe systems, or they've come across the Great Australian Bite, a couple of times combining with the ones coming down. On the weather maps it's looked like they were the drain plug out of the bath with the swirls of cloud over them.
Toot, Did you get my 'blown out to see' joke? Jim :D

Nope, sorry 'bout that. Didn't even ruffle the slight wisps of hair left on top. Least I can report that since I wrote that first depressing weather review, we've had the first clear, sunny day in a long time and this morning it's looking like we might get two. Fingers crossed it might be settling down.
Toot, Are you and I the only ones here anymore? Also, are you and I the only ones that uses the word halcyon? Probably. Jim:eek:
