Brick Work


Structure Fan
Here's my first go at trying to get some mortar lines, and time aged brick...


Thoughts, suggestions?
Some of the best modeling I've seen since getting back into the hobby, is the work being done by our cousins in war gaming. When I'm looking for shear creativity, they're a list of 4 or 5 sites I go to.

I saw this excellent brickwork the other day, and read through the details on the page.

So, give this guy the credit.. his instructions under the painting section are grade A!

1. beige
2. brick color, with a brush fairly flat...

Interesting, I'll try it out...
As for colors, I used a very light gray first. Then brushed on brown, then red on top of that, then used an orange/red/brown dirty mix here and there...
Very realistic and different than most of the ways we model railroaders do it. It's worth a try, that's for sure.
Why do you think that is up2csx? I remember one of my first posts here was about what different modelers focus on. I've noticed that lots of the layouts I see are devoid of terrain landscaping, and most of the structures aren't detailed.

Are those things just "filler" for around the trains?
It's hard to generalize but I think the majority of model railroaders like trains and track and the rest is secondary. War gaming dioramas tend to be relatively small so detailing everything is less of a chore. We have guys here with hundreds of feet of track and just getting ballast down is a major task. The larger the layout, the more difficult it is to get down scenery and have really detailed structures. I'm much more of a scenery guy so my tracks are, to some degree, secondary to the scenery and town. I also have a relatively small layout so I can spend a lot more time on detailing my layout because the track plan is very simple. I think I'm in the minority anyway in terms of my interest in scenery and structures but just imagine trying to have a really detailed layout that's 400 square feet! I've seen it done but it takes years and it's almost always a club or group of guys who work on the layout regularly. It's overwhelming for one person to try to do everything and still occasionally run some trains.
Not to take anything away from Wilbert but you missed my point completely. His layout was 6'x4', or 24 square feet. My layout, which is considered small by many modelers, is 58 square feet. Now, imagine Wilbert trying to do that level of detail with 400 square feet of layout, by himself. Get the idea now?
I suppose we all want different things from the hobby.. Personally, ever since I was a little kid I wanted to create a model so real looking, that if photographed you couldn't tell the difference.

Also, considering the cost of models, I want to get as much out of each kit as I can. I also have a lot of junk in the basement that trains displace, so I consider every square foot as valuable real estate, again, trying to get the most bang for my buck..
