Boy Scout 100th Anniversary train set


A co-worker left me a Lionel catalog on my desk last week which included a set they are selling for the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts in America, which occurs next year. Of course it's in O scale, but it would be a great thing for a Boy Scout leader who is also a Model Railroader to have.

Dow anyone know if anybody is making any BSA 100th anniversary items in HO? Sets or individual items either would be appreciated.

I don't think so. The BSA has an exclusive licensing agreement with Lionel for the train set. I can't imagine that Lionel would allow the BSA to license the 100th anniversary theme to any other model railroad company, and I don't think Lionel will make one in HO.
If that is correct, I think that kind of agreement is a travesty, for the BSA to go exclusive with only one manufacturer in only one scale, and leave everyone else out unless we buy an O scale set.
The BSA has done things like this before. They go with whoever gives them the best cut of the sales or the highest licensing fee. For many years, there was only one pocket knife and one flashlight that had the BSA emblem and they were, of course, more expensive than any others of the same line, and the only ones carried in their catalog. I'm pretty certain Lionel wouldn't sign on unless they knew they had the only 100th anniversary train available. It will be mainly sold to collectors, not model railroaders, and O scale gives a much better platform for all the graphics.
