Anyone recognize this kit?


Structure Fan
I had put this together probably 15 years ago, or more, and just dug it out of my parents attic, tore it apart and starting painting it and reassembling it.

I just can't remember what it was supposed to be. I want to say it was a LifeLike, since most of the stuff I've dug out has been.


It's a European Warehouse, probably Kibri, Vollmer, or Faller. I'd guess Kibri by the undersized doors, a hallmark of Kibri kits. It may have been marketed under the Life-Like name but it's European for sure. It one of hundreds of different building kits that were produced in Europe in the last 20 years or so.
I agree with the fact it's european, but from the looks of the detail I would say Heljan. Looks similar to a kit I built by them awhile back. Nice looking kit I must add
You're right, I forgot Heljan, which marketed kits made for a number of American companies, the most famous probably being Revell. The brick arches over the windows and the brick cornices give it away du to Heljan's fine brick molds.
I went to a train show this morning, and saw ONE box of this model selling. It's Fairview Bottling from LifeLike.... can't find a single pic of it online tho.
Good call... that's what I get for being to lazy to write it down when I saw it..
Very nice and it would be good as a bottling plant or a cannery. Lots of buildings like this are turned into offices with loft apts. So it would be great in most eras for many uses. Good Luck
I had the same thought, we have a lot of these old types of building around Baltimore that have been transformed into big money offices,, and do a google image search for Power Plant Baltimore.

But I'm doing a loose 1935-1955, starting with industry (coal mine), and then later moving to a town area, which I plan to do mostly art deco.

I'm undecided on what this will be in my layout..I'm thinking maybe a machine shop.. or some kind of forge. With all those windows, I gotta have some interior stuff and light it up.
