A previously posted layout, how to find it?


Not to be vague, but there was a post on this forum (it may not be this particular section, it may have been in HO or something) about a gentlemen who built a layout on a 4x8 sheet. It was two towns. He had several pictures of the completed project, which was really nice. There was a wall in the middle of the 4x8 which separated the two towns. If I recall, he also brought this model somewhere (e.g. showed it off). It was HO, and it had track going off the 4x8 for expansion (e.g. mainlines, but it was fully operational as-is).

Additionally, he had posted the actual layout design plans. I have moved from one location to another, and lost my ability to build a large layout. Thinking about it more, I would like to attempt his 4x8 layout, but for some reason I did not copy the layout from this forum. I have used the search function to no avail. Searches for 4x8, 4x8 two town, two towns, and lots of clicking leaves me empty handed.

Does anyone know what layout it was? Do you have a link? Can I be any more vague? :eek:

Thanks for any help.
Could you be more vague? Yes. But more details would be great, too.

It just so happens that I remember a similar layout that may just be the one you're talking about (or may not... but might give you some ideas).

Hope that's the one you're looking for.

Not that one, but that is nice.

One of the vague details I remember is that there was a (more or less) diagonal wall in the middle of the 4x8 layout, which separated the two towns.
The actual layout was kind of a hybrid out and back (or in and out?) layout, where one town was on one side and another town on the other. each town
had a line that exited the layout (for later expansion). A lot of folks here thought the layout was ingenious, which it was.

If I could remember more, I could probably search for it. :mad:

The more I think about it, the more I think it was something like this: California Dreamin

However, I find this one more interesting, although it is on a 9x5 not a 4x8. The classic HO out and back on 5x9

Does anyone think the out and back is a useful/good layout to start with? The problem I see is that there
are 23 (!!!) turnouts if you count the wye. That is probably about $550 in turnouts alone for a 5x9 layout.

Thinking about it more, there is no way I can swing that cost in turnouts. He also has a design for a
HO shortline on a 4x8 that has 9 turnouts. I could modify it and have track leading off the board for
future expansion. Shortline on a 4x8

The problem with these layouts is that I would like a yard and a continuously running
train. Of course, the yard takes a large number of turnouts, which drives the cost up.

Anyone have any suggestions? I got rid of my very large engines so I don't need a huge layout (and
do not have the space). Thanks.
