A few weathered boxcars


Pennsy Tuscan Red Blood
Here's a few pix of some boxcars I weathered a couple years ago. I saw the technique in Modelrailroader Mag a few years ago. If I can find the article, I'll post the date and page up. I used some Floquil and PollyS paints mixed with rubbing alcohol and also regular paint thinner. I used a brush to apply it to the sides, on the rivet seams. And a Qtip to dab it on the roof. It the alcohol cause an interesting effect to the paint especilly on the roof. It looked like blotchy rust patches.

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Here's the roof tops. I'll try to get some better pix of it later.
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You can also see some video on Youtube ,click on the "more videos from this user" tab to see the other videos from my progress.
Thanks Guys,
I forgot to mention after I applied the paint washes, I airbrushed a muted down grimy blackto the bottom edges and slightly up the ends. Don't forget the 2 streaks of mud splatters on the ends where the wheels kick up dirt.
