Here's a little bit of the story of how my layout came to be. I've been into model trains since I was a little kid, Lionel sets and Thomas the Tank Engine got that ball rolling, but I didn't have any place to set anything up and kind of walked away from it for a little while. Eventually, I...
Mr Bubba and his crew did not have much going on at the mill that Saturday. Being in a festive holiday seasonal mood they decided to log a few Christmas trees. The company photographer caught them in an excitedway as they made it down from the mouintains with their wonderful pines to decorate...
I was concerned, even though I was using flourescent lighting from multiple angles, that trees placed on the ridge might cast unrealistic shadows on the backdrop. So I placed trees mounted right on the backdrop which meant those shadows would now fall on trees, instead of the backdrop. Much more...
Oh how I wish this was my work!!! But it certainly is proof of how good it can be. The bar has certainly been raised. Unfortunately too few, I think, have ever seen it! The work of Don Ledger photo taken from the pages of N Scale Magazine July/August 2000 without permission. Hope they won't...
This is an overall view of one section of the railroad. This part of the railroad consits of a small town, engine facility and a lumber industry inside all those wonderful trees!
Sage brush trunk, WS 178 Polyfiber stretched as thin as possible and glued to trunk, spray adhesive (hair spray didn't work well), then parsley flakes (dark green) or real poplar leaves (light green) shredded in blender and sprinkled on.
Whittled cedar trunks, painted brown and dry brushed light gray. WS F53 Foliage stretched and glued to trunk. Cost is 30 cents each in July 2005. Trees made by Pocatello Model RR club.