
  1. GuilfordRailman

    How Do I Remove or Fix Matte Clear Coat on Structure Window Panes?

    In the process of spraying a structure I’m working on with Matte clear coat to cover weathering powders, I got some of the clear coat on the plastic window panes I attached to the structure. How do I remove the clear coat or fix this issue? I read that applying a gloss coat over the matte coat...
  2. Johannes

    Extra Faller Ho scale parts

    Hey! I've just finished building the Faller 130908 vineyard garden restaurant, and i ended up with an excessive amount of extra parts that the instructions doesn't mention. Does anyone have the same experience with other kits?
  3. 05-02-18 001.JPG

    05-02-18 001.JPG

    American Plastics
  4. R

    Part 2 of my kitbash of the Holt Hotel

    I continue my kit bash of the Holt Hotel, scratch building and installing trim and adding windows and weathering.
  5. R

    Kitbashing a Plastic Structure

    It is always a challenge to find a kit that can be transformed (kitbashed) into a prototype structure you need. I show you some techniques as I kitbash the Holt Hotel (part 1).
  6. F

    Question About Scratch Built Structures--->

    Good Morning. I'm not new to the hobby of model railroading, but only recently have I had the real drive to get into the actual modeling aspect. I just successfully built an Atlas kit (Specifically Item # 702 - Trackside Shanty Kit) and ordered a couple other kits from Atlas. They were simple...
  7. T


    Made with Model Builder textures using N scale plans:
  8. K

    Scratch Building

    I'm sure you guys all know them but I'm looking around and having trouble finding some solid resources that help beginners with scratch building really learn the ropes. Whether it be books, websites, whatever, please any places you guys have would be really helpful :) (Ive been trying to wing it...
  9. T

    Kitbashed structure in progress

    Here's a quick pic of a kitbashed structure I'm working on: The building was made out of a combination of DPM modular pieces and a Walthers Cornerstone bridge kit. It's meant to disguise a tunnel in the backdrop. A double-track railroad track will run under the left portal, and a road will go...
