
  1. M

    Railroad Signals

    I am looking for this for my layout but I can't find them anywhere!
  2. R

    3 LED Signals

    Good Morning Everyone, After many hours of searching I've decided to hit you up for advise. Trying model turnout signling to LEDs for a control panel and also the overhead signaling for the tracks themselves. I've been able to wire up the LED to indicate which route is open for traffic but I...
  3. A

    Basic Wiring Help

    Those of you who have read my previous posts know that I model Chicago's Union Station. I have 6 tracks, and 3 platforms, and I was wondering about wiring. I run standard DC, and use 2 power packs, to allow for the capabilities to run 2 trains at once. I want to run all my lights, switches, and...
  4. Signal and Traffic Control Center

    Signal and Traffic Control Center

  5. I

    Brand new but with many questions

    Hello to all, brand new to Been building our railway for 15 months and finally have a completed circuit, finishing touches will go on for years to come. I've been told there is life outside of railways! Garden/full size....they just get a blank stare from me..My wife keeps on telling...
