
  1. T

    Wood and Cardboard HO NYC Boxcar

    If anyone knows what this is could you tell me? The pictures are in the attachments. I haven't been able to find any pictures of it online
  2. Old time Log Car by MDC

    Old time Log Car by MDC

    MDC OT log car with added break lines and Gladhands. Note the shorty passanger coaches and Horse Medow Depot behind, also note I need window castings for various buildings such as the station to complete them.
  3. Scratch built early tank car.

    Scratch built early tank car.

    The flat car was scratch built and the tank supports were added, it has under body detail and the straps holsing the tank in place actually are individual straps and extend through the floor securing the tank in place. The tank is from an MDC kit.
  4. Horse Medow Station area.

    Horse Medow Station area.

    Scratch built D&RGW cattle car in HO scale, authentic door hangers and safety rod at the bottom of the door plus a working inspection door slide on the end. Full under body details and Trussrods are actually carried through to each end sill and break rigging carried through to Break Wheel...
