
  1. R

    Setting up first engine with decoder and Digitrax DCS52

    I have a N scale Amtrak P42 engine, DCS52 controller and DN163K0a decoder. My DCS52 is connected to a small oval. I confirmed the engine would run with its DC card in it on address 0000. I have installed a DN163K0a decoder in the P42. When I put it on the separate programming track, the DCS52...
  2. rodney mcgiveron

    BLI...not compatible

    G'day all...On behalf of a friend and fellow modeller...He uses ROCO DCC and has a new BLI SD40-2...that refuses to have new address and allows CV adjustment yet it runs perfectly on default settings and has full range of sounds...He also has Bachmann 4 function locos that are a breeze to re...
  3. Portable Programming Track

    Portable Programming Track

    Portable programming track with power booster.
