
  1. SoCal Chris

    The Stackrock & Verde River Railway, narrow gauge mining on a bookshelf

    The S&VR is my first exploration into HOn30 modeling, inspired by many trips to Utah/Arizona canyon country and Thunder Mesa Studio. The layout is a simple loop of track with a dummy siding and dramatic red rock scenery, designed to fit on a narrow Ikea bookshelf. Coming from N scale, I'm...
  2. Jupiter60

    Tosays project: finally painting and lettering my kitbashed (2 roundhouse overton cars) into Sierra Railroad Coach no. 2.

  3. H

    Steam locomotive comparisons

    So, I'm considering putting up a loop (to start) in my yard for a small O gauge V&T replica. I am finding that obtaining V&T locomotives are scarce, though passenger cars seem to be available, so I expect I'll need to repaint (at least) another similar appearing model. I'm not necessarily...
  4. Guilfordguy

    Unique, kitbashed, scratchbuilt or just plain cool buildings you have seen or have!!!

    Share pictures or talk about unique, kitbashed, scratchbuilt or just super awesome or cool buildings you have seen or have on your layout or someone else's layout. Here's one of a burnt down garage. (R. Nixon Used Cars Sign was on there when I bought it, thought id keep it, No political opinion:D)
