It is always a challenge to find a kit that can be transformed (kitbashed) into a prototype structure you need. I show you some techniques as I kitbash the Holt Hotel (part 1).
A kitbashed 45T-2 that I built about 7 years ago, I used an Athearn 40T-2 and an RPP 45-2 shell. Unit as it would appear circa 1990 (note signal lights removed). Many details scratchbuilt. I actually built it as a dummy with battery-powered headlight for constant lighting!
My rendition of a fish buying dealer and processing plant in the maritimes around the 70's
The building is from an IHC Railroad Express Station kit. The wharf was built from balsa for planks and cat tail stems for posts. The ship is a full hull model of a North Atlantic Trawler which is...