
  1. ChinaHaun19

    Starting up a long O-guage train, and gradually increasing its speed until it crashes.

    This video shows how inappropriately high speeds can render an otherwise safe layout into a death zone. The train gradually increases in speed over a period of 3 minutes until it reaches a critical level of speed and violently crashes onto an N gauge track.
  2. PrairieKnight

    Model Power Derailments.......

    I have a couple different manufacturers of rolling stock on my recently powered up DCC 4 X 8 layout. On my Atlas code 83 track with Atlas remote snap switches, the Athearns, Mantuas, and Walthers do fine. However, the Power Model rolling stock seems to want to derail at the remote snap...
  3. A

    Best Track for Heavy Remote Turnouts

    I'm planning to build a track that will incorporate a lot of turnouts. I'm thinking of remote. Manual will be too hard to reach and I've a feeling DCC will simply cost too much. I played around with my sons Bachmann set and picked up a remote turnout to see how I liked it. Simply put, I don't...
  4. This is Really Bad!

    This is Really Bad!

    Passenger train derailment diorama at the San Diego Model Railroad Museum.
  5. Whoops!


    A crane cleans up a derailment on a N scale layout at the San Diego Model Railroad Museum
