It appears the guys did get the crossing planks in and just about finished on the main line with the exception of the 4x6 riser to butt against the ends of the ties. I see too where they need to spike the ends of the boards down as it looks like one is already sticking up a bit!
It also...
This shot was taken to show the overall affect of the stacked stone rock work, actual stacked stones I made interlocking molds of for layout/building construction work, as well as the heavy board retaining wall to show the affects of both.
Note, stones need to be stained yet.
The Five Oaks Station is a revised Fine Scale Minatures kit from the late George Sellios in honor of the late John Allen as it is part of the John Allen Engine House kit, now long out of production.
Trying to show the distressing done on a few ties just prior to the start of the Curved switch leading to the Serpha Copper & Iron Works and Anglin Oil Works as well as the Noth South Main Line and the Anglin Oil loading facility sideing for more convient loading through the overhead pipe...