Recent content by The Dashing Turtle

  1. The Dashing Turtle

    Model train layouts: Diesel VS Steam

    Understood. I'm not used to being the young'un at 59
  2. The Dashing Turtle

    Model train layouts: Diesel VS Steam

    No offense taken. ETA, as used above as referenced, is "edited to add". Yes in RW, your assessment is accurate, and I frequently use it that way. I participate in several fora. In most, these acronyms are commonly understood. I will try to remember to spell things out here so as to not cause...
  3. The Dashing Turtle

    Model train layouts: Diesel VS Steam

    Wow!!! (Got to get o 10 characters(
  4. The Dashing Turtle

    Model train layouts: Diesel VS Steam

    Thanks for the good info. I don't have a lot of experience being around steamers, but the ones I have personally seen put out quite the smoke trail. Glad to know that not all steamers do that.
  5. The Dashing Turtle

    Model train layouts: Diesel VS Steam

    That is nice. How often do you have to fill up the smoke tank? Thanks for getting the RW question.
  6. The Dashing Turtle

    Model train layouts: Diesel VS Steam

    True enough, but in RW ops, steamers always smoked/steamed in copious amounts. A properly maintained diesel does not put much soot into the air and the exhaust is pretty clear. Steamers are sexy, especially in the RW, they are just not worth the bother for me to model. Different strokes... ETA...
  7. The Dashing Turtle

    Model train layouts: Diesel VS Steam

    I have equipment in N, HO, S & O scales. I, so far, have only "modeled" HO with any sort of layout. I would like to do an N layout after I finish my HO layout. Here are my thoughts: O - I just got this in the Polar Express set to run under the Christmas tree. It looks durable enough that it...
  8. The Dashing Turtle

    My Lionel Standard O Trains

    Yes they have. When I was a kid, the only Lionel I was aware of was my mom's from when she was a kid. It was in poor shape, so I was not allowed to play with it. I had a S scale American Flyer. I still have mom's Lionel and still haven't played with it. The thing i remember, even as a kid, was...
  9. The Dashing Turtle

    Starting a New Christmas Tradition

    I bought an O scale Polar Express train to run under the tree. I have 3 grand kids 1, 2 & 3 years old. We are going to have dinner then watch the movie The Polar Express. After the movie we will light the tree and unveil the new train with all the sound effects from the movie and smoke from the...
  10. The Dashing Turtle

    How long to run a train?

    I have a N scale set that I pack in an old style brief case. I use it at hotels to generate white noise. I usually run it in the evening for fun and let it run all night for the white noise effect.
  11. The Dashing Turtle

    How Old is Your Layout and How Much is Completed

    Track is 100% laid, ballasted and operational. Mountain/tunnel is 100% complete. Buildings are 50%. Foliage is 0%. Started work on it around 2000. Ignored it for the last 15 years raising kids as they had no interest. Now the grandkids are showing interest, so reviving it and picking up where I...
  12. The Dashing Turtle

    Been practicing my weathering skills

    Here is one I did on a coal car. Lots of coal dust around the edges.
