Recent content by DianneB

  1. D

    How big would you go?

    I would build in 1.5" to the foot and fill my 5 acres with track!
  2. D

    Just Killed My Digitrax System

    That sounds scary! It almost sounds like there is a short in your soldering iron that is taking one side of the 110V to the tip (which should NEVER happen!) Use an Ohmmeter and check both sides of the power plug for resistance to the tip of the iron - it should be infinity - if not throw that...
  3. D

    air compressor for airbrush

    Has anybody tried one of the small airbrush compressors aimed at salons, cake decorating, etc.? They are small, inexpensive, and presumably very quiet. Eg. If they are any good, it would seem like they would be easier to...
  4. D

    Building the Pinnacle Creek Mining & Timber Co. RR

    You would be better off building a new desk than trying to shorten an existing one.
  5. D

    Making a missing piece

    Lost wax makes a lovely job! I have a friend who does lost wax casting for gold jewellery and the detail is exquisite. But this engine is definitely NOT worth that kind of expense/work! A smart person would have thrown this kit away 30 years ago and bought a brass loco!
  6. D

    Making a missing piece

    That's sad to hear Care. A shame to go to all that work and have it disintegrate! My test track is only 3 feet so I can only hope mine doesn't "start shedding pieces" when I get it on a longer track.
  7. D

    Making a missing piece

    It IS an Arbour! Arbour sold to Master Creations so it is the same thing. Worst kit I have ever built! I have built a steam engine from raw foundry castings and it was easier than this thing! It doesn't look to bad with a styrene firebox so I am not going to worry about it for now.
  8. D

    Making a missing piece

    It is VERY visible so I like the idea of PhotoShopping it! I already made the styrene firebox from some heavy scrap I had. Now I can get on with the body filler, filing and sanding and make it look pretty before detailing. With the 'quality' of these castings, I need a pound of body putty and...
  9. D

    Track Improvements

    Here is his video
  10. D

    Making a missing piece

    I am working on a Master Creations 2-6-6-6 kit from 30 years ago - don't ask my critique of the kit because my mother tried to teach me not to swear! - and it is missing the left half of the firebox and I have two right hand pieces. It is made from cast. I need TWO firebox halves, not one, and...
  11. D

    Coffee Shop XXXIII 06/21/12

    Had that happen here a couple of years ago Rex - lightning hit the hydro pole in the yard and came in through the electrical lines. It took out about $600 of stuff so I put in a "whole home surge protector" (a la Mike Holmes). It seems to work-we haven't been hit since LOL!
  12. D

    Interior lighting for ho scale styrene models

    I just put LED lighting in a Model Power 'farm house' that I will be using for the sawmill manager's office, one LED in one room, another in a different room. Of course the interior of the house had to be divided into rooms with cardboard painted black first. I feel that having different light...
  13. D

    Coupler confusion!

    Okay, #58s it is! Ordered a mess of couplers, draft boxes, and the first batch of archbar trucks. I have been following the Pinnacle Creek build thread and will undoubtedly be stealing some of his ideas :D Thanks for the thoughts folks!
  14. D

    Coupler confusion!

    I have been away from the hobby over 30 years and much has changed. Now, with retirement, I am putting together a backwoods logging road with a couple of Shays and planned to build my own 40' skeleton logging cars from steel (for weight) and wood with Archbar trucks but I am bewildered by the...
  15. D

    What's on your HO work bench ??

    On my bench? A very old Master Creations Allegheny 2-6-6-6 that is giving me nightmares! To say this kit is "challenging" is an under-statement and far too kind. To say it is designed to separate a modeller from their sanity would be closer to the truth. But, for someone who is inherently...
