MT-4 Road Slug

MT-4 Road Slug

Conrail MT-4 Road Slug

Kitbashed Atlas RS-11, Athearn GP trucks, Microscale Decals, Shell Scale Number boards
Looks great! I just built an MT-4 just like this one...still trying to figure out the best way to mount the trucks! Any suggestions?
Thanks! I used Athearn trucks with the worm cover clip attached and with the gearing removed. I glued a cross brace with a pin in it that the Athearn clip could sit on and snap onto yet swivel freely.

Hope this helps.
I posted a photo of mine! Matching slugs! I bet they would look nice together. Thanks for the info on mounting the trucks. Would you be willilng to post a photo of the inside where the truck mounts? I will also be using Athearn trucks...just can't mount them.

Thanks and excellent job!!

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Diesel, Electric and Other Locomotives
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