
Model Rail HO Layout "Clara"

  • bob
This HO Layout is built by a fellow member of the Eindhoven Modeling Club, Peter Koppelman.
His info on the layout:
Seven years I have been building my layout and I ban all again making major changes.
The layout is in a room of 7 x 2.65 meters and is built against the wall in a u-shape.
The basic shape is a simple one, a "dog bone" with a shadow station at each end and in
the middle a station where a branch line branches off.
There are 24 trains on the layout, up to five can run simultaneously.
The control program is Koploper and the hardware consists of a DR 5000 from Digikeijs and
a booster. The feedback is done by current detection over the 88N cable.
About 150 meters of track have been used and 61 turnouts have been processed.
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