

2" wide by 3/4" plywood subroadbed supported by 1x2 and 1x3" risers . I used horizontal cleats screwed into subroadbed from underneath to make later changes easier. Furlow's plan has lots of horizontal scenery. Should be cool
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Um...well Malcolm Furlow designed lots of deep ravines and tall Mountains so that would be vertical scenery not horizontal...heh...The original San Juan Central was in a Colorado Rockies kinda locale. My version will be standard gauge perhaps inspired by the early Virginia and Truckee RR. Somewhat less dramatic scenery ( there were still trees around Reno then) but still will look cool I'm hoping. Besides, I live close enough to the now resurrected V&T so research is easy. :)
Nice looking benchwork and well made. I remember the San Juan Central and saw the layout in person many years ago. -Greg
Ah..TY for your comments Greg. This is the first layout I've made using L Girder construction. Malcolm Furlow has a book pretty much describing step-by-step how to build the San Juan Central in HOn3, starting from the benchwork up. I've done mainly open grid type benchwork before and it seems that L girder gives a lot more flexibility, especially for minor to major changes if needed later. I'll throw up more pics as I go along. I'm retired so I work at a "leisurely" pace.

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Swissone's layout in progress
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