2" wide by 3/4" plywood subroadbed supported by 1x2 and 1x3" risers . I used horizontal cleats screwed into subroadbed from underneath to make later changes easier. Furlow's plan has lots of horizontal scenery. Should be cool
Um...well Malcolm Furlow designed lots of deep ravines and tall Mountains so that would be vertical scenery not horizontal...heh...The original San Juan Central was in a Colorado Rockies kinda locale. My version will be standard gauge perhaps inspired by the early Virginia and Truckee RR. Somewhat less dramatic scenery ( there were still trees around Reno then) but still will look cool I'm hoping. Besides, I live close enough to the now resurrected V&T so research is easy.
Ah..TY for your comments Greg. This is the first layout I've made using L Girder construction. Malcolm Furlow has a book pretty much describing step-by-step how to build the San Juan Central in HOn3, starting from the benchwork up. I've done mainly open grid type benchwork before and it seems that L girder gives a lot more flexibility, especially for minor to major changes if needed later. I'll throw up more pics as I go along. I'm retired so I work at a "leisurely" pace.