Two identical locomotives in consist - one is dragging the other


Active Member
Hi all. I’ve not been here in awhile, but since y’all are talking consisting and speed matching, I thought this might be the best forum for me to ask my question. Which is: what’s the best procedure to use when two identical engines made by the same manufacturer are consisted and one of them appears to be dragging the other one? Anybody please feel free to chime in. I thought maybe the simplest thing to do would be to just put them both on the program track and do a reset back to factory values. let me know what you all think. Thanks, Mike.
In manufacturing, everything is plus or minus a small amount from specs. If you get one that is more plus than minus, and the other one is more minus than plus, you can get a large difference in speed and mechanical friction.
Since both have DCC, adjust the motor cv settings so they both match. For most decoders, those are cv 2, 5, 6, 66, and 95.
I've never speed matched by adjusting every speed step but with two of the same models from the same manufacturer I've had luck by just adjusting cv 2, 5, and 6 (I think). I think this changes how much voltage is applied to the motor at low (cv 2), medium (cv 6) and high (cv 5) speeds. Again, I think. Just going from memory :rolleyes:

I left one engine alone and only adjusted the cvs on the other one to match it to the other. Worked alright for me but personal results may vary 😂
I use the Accutrack reader which I know prolly isn't sold anymore, but it still is a good reference.
I set the top speed of all my locos to 72 and the mid throttle speed at 35. That gets them running close enough so ya don't hear the wheels of one loco drag or slipping.
If you are "dragging" the other engine, does that mean :
  • The 2nd engine's wheels are turning but not as fast
  • The 2nd engines wheels are turning but in the opposite direction
  • The 2nd engine's wheels aren't turning
Three different problems. First is a speed matching problem. Second is a CV setting or consist setting problem. Third is an electrical problem or the engine isn't really consisted.
Dragging another locomotive can only be diagnosed by looking at it in motion. Actually, separating the locomotives then running them again will reveal what's going on.
As for how you link your team of locos is up to you.
The consisting method will link your locos and leave you little option other than how you set their parameters when you consisted them.
MUing them provides a bit more latitude when you're teaming them together, i.e. which way each one is facing, lights on or off, sound on or off.
Yeah, yeah, I know. It can really be confusing to learn how to MU them. Right up there with the confusion of how to operate a gas pump when fueling your car.
The other way to consist them is to give them all the same cab number. Actually, if you're at that level, more than likely, you're having someone else do the programming.
If you are "dragging" the other engine, does that mean :
  • The 2nd engine's wheels are turning but not as fast
  • The 2nd engines wheels are turning but in the opposite direction
  • The 2nd engine's wheels aren't turning
Three different problems. First is a speed matching problem. Second is a CV setting or consist setting problem. Third is an electrical problem or the engine isn't really consisted.
That's a very helpful post. I leapt to an unwarranted conclusion.
