Thought you should see this...

After much work, I've finally launched a real website, pretaining to my modeling, click on it in my link to take a look! What do you think? Any suggestions?

The first thing I noticed when I clicked on your link was that the top 75% of my browser window was empty space, I had to scroll down to see it was a photo. Most people prefer to immediately see info about the site they're visiting as soon as they enter it. After developing a few web-based applications myself, I've learned that people don't like having to scroll.

Maybe you could find a way to make that large photo your website background, and have link/info text on it...?
The W3 validator had a field day with the first two pages. Before "releasing a web site to the world" you should use the free validator that W3 provides to make sure you're using correct HTML.
Thanks guys, I'll see to removing the front page then. You only disliked the scrolling on the first cover page, right? Or the rest?

What's this W3 Validator?! I tried it out, and what's it all about?
It checks through HTML code and verifies that it conforms to HTML standards. There are several standards so you should declare the standard (DOCTYPE) at the beginning of every page.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops interoperable
technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) to lead
the Web to its full potential. W3C is a forum for information,
commerce, communication, and collective understanding.
I didn't like the whole blank, have to scroll down on all of the pages, just edit the code to move it all upwards.

W3 is a code checker, it'll tell you when you're using "old" code, or improper code. Either can cause a browser to slow down, and an extra heavy load on the server.
Miles, the opening page looks fine now and it's very creative. I like the layout althoughthe content obviously needs to fleshed out. The on suggestion I'd make is more before and after pics for your weathered cars so people can really see the difference.
Woha now... I checked the code... You're using Javascript to create the entry page!? Thats en incredible waste. Just use html (minus the underscores):
<_a href="..."><_img src="...jpg" border="0" /><_/a>

That SIMPLE line of code will replace the ~20 lines you have now, and do the same thing, plus its HTML 4.0 compliant.

PM me if you want more info...
