The greenbrier logging and coal co

I hope i can too. Gonna keep orders for the track and scenery stuff for the layout. I also unplugged the layout and covered it with a plastic cover. Not much else to do . These braces really hurt when i try much of anything
I have been fighting these braces and paying for it. I took them off one day for a couple of hours to see if they would stop hurting and they pretty much stopped hurting. A couple of days later i got in the mood to do something on the layout. I got the track loose in the tunnel and laid down 3 of the left turnouts like i need them and I got that down but not glued down. My hands started bugging again so i stopped. Maybe next time i can get the turnouts glued down before the hands start hurting again. Shots below. Laters


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I haven't done anything on the layout since last time i posted on April 13. What i have been doing is to buy the track and other stuff for the new section. My biggest hurdle is finding 36 turnouts. LH's are out there and just need to find the best deal and go for that. The RH turnouts are a whole other story. I found one the other day and i got it and its on the way to me from Japan. I need one more of them so I am on the hunt.The braces are not really helping much or that seems to be not helping. My left hand the fold of skin between the forefinger and thumb somehow got cut with the brace on. It didn't do that on the right hand so i am not sure how it got that cut. I miss working on the layout but the braces don't give me much movement to do much of anything so its in limbo. I may have to get shots if the braces don't do what the doctor wants. I almost want to take the braces off and leave them off but My wifey and doctor would jump down my throat with both feet. I guess thats about all i have to say for now. Miss doing what i need to do on the layout. Catch you all later, smoke
I finally found another in Australia. It won't be here till Mid-July. The one i got from will be here Mid-June. So i got the 2 RH#6 turnouts i needed. I found a plan in n-scale that i am going to try and build as a company store and post office. that will take awhile. Still stuck with the braces so not doing much yet, but working out of my head to paper as to how i want the changes to be made. I got the time, just need to figure the door area the mounting of the hinges and the tunnel entrance. I am trying to do a bit at a time so it is slow. Anyway thats it for now. Maybe next time i will have some photos to go along with the text. Laters, Smoke
I have been lucky, everything is in and in good shape. Now if i was. I see the dr in a couple of weeks to see if shots will help. I found the turnout controllers and a power supply for them. I got another kit for a company store. Have been working on that as i can. Its better than nothing. Its slow for sure. Hope they can do something to the good. Will see you all later, Smoke
Well, i see the doctor again on the 21st more shots. My fingers feel pretty good for the better and my thumbs hurt like they always have lately and crazy pains from them so i am not sure if the shots will work. I have to learn how to type with these braces on. I got that company store about done. Its not perfect and i am not sure i can get it much better than it is. I still have touch up and some places that need to add glue to yet. A couple of shots below. Its gonna be a long Hot summer and i need something to do here in the house. Guess we will see how it goes with the layout. More later..


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My hands are feeling better today so i got to work on the layout for awhile. I got behind the layout and got to work on that trestle where the track meets the trestle it was off height about 1/8th inch high than the trestle. I cut it back and got the track level with the bridge and glued it all down and have weight on it to keep it in place. I also got all the track all pulled off in the tunnel so i can add turnouts in that tunnel. There is more room in that tunnel that i didn't realize. All the better! I was getting things in place and went for the solder gun and nada. i need a new gun. I may go this evening and get one. I need to finish putting the wire in place before i can add track. Shots below, Smoke


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After dinner i figured out how to install the track in the big tunnel I finished the first run around and will finish the glueing down and let it set up so i can run around trains again. Shots below


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I was asked if i had enough clearance to run trains around the inner loop. Answer Yep! I did cut some of the plaster off to get about 1/2" of clearance to run engines and i took a shot to show it does have the clearance to run trains on the inner loop. One shot below to show what it looks like with the engine running through. It fits! Smoke


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Since i got the area done on the back side, I started with putting the table together for the new section. That done i got the foam together cut and put in place and glued together and i am using skewers to hold the boards in place. I did get part of the new layout painted and i played around with the track some too. I got to get more paint and more track before i can continue with the new section, but i got a lot of work done this week. I will be slowing down the work till i get more supply's. Shots below


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