Simplifying the Component Connections

D&J RailRoad

Professor of HO
Several months ago, I posted a schematic of the component connections of my Loconet. It was an eye chart.
In that setup, I found that the BDL168s (occupancy detector) and DS64s (turnout control) wasn't able to communicate adequately with the SE8C s(signal control) board as they were on the standard DCC loconet of the LNRP (Loconet Repeater).
The LNRP is used to create a barrier to the command station to prevent voltage spikes or shorts from damaging it.
I reconfigured the loconet so the BDL168s, DS64s and the SE8Cs are on the protected side of the barrier (command station side) The rest of the components are on the standard side.

Layout Component Connections 26 Sept2023.jpg
