roadbeds, track and ballast Q's



So i'm probably going to go .with the rubber/foam roadbed and was wondering what is the best glue to secure track to it. I was also wondering the advantages/disadvantages of ballasting on rubber vs cork.
My preference is for Woodland Scenics foam roadbed. It's easy to shape into curves, deadens sound better than cork, and is is easily glued to foam or plywood with latex caulk. Because of the somewhat porous nature of the foam, ballast seems to hold a little better to the roadbed profile than sliding off like it does on cork. It's also more expensive than cork so that may be a deciding factor if you're planning a big layout.
this is my first layout so its only a 4*8 so cost isn't a big deciding factor the Woodland Scenics is what the hobby store has. Last q is can i use the latex caulk to glue the track to the road bed?
I used carpenter's glue to secure my foam roadbed. I had noticed a tendency to change my mind mid-construction. The yellow glue pulls right up without destroying the roadbed. I'm not sure I could have said the same with caulk. Caulk, however, would be a better permanent adhesive.
Latex caulk can be used with the WS roadbed. Carpenter's glue or white glue can also be used but they dry very rigid and have the tendency to transmit a fair amount of track noise to the roadbed. Latex caulk is not as rigid and seems to do a better job of not being as noisy as the typical adhesive. It's at least as easy as carpenter's glue to remove if the need arises. Just run a putty knife under it and it comes right up.
