Removing glue from a hatch


New Member
one of my athearn big boys has the cab hatch glued shut i want to dissolve the glue without hurting the plastic ,so guys any ideas??:confused:
Depends on what kind of glue was used to start with.

If it was some sort of plastic cement that actually bonds the plastic by dissolving it, you might try hitting the joint again with some liquid plastic model cement and see if the joint will soften up enough to let the hatch come loose. A couple of applications of the liquid cement with a fine, pointed brush might be necessary. Naturally, once the parts are separated, light them dry for awhile before handling them.

I have also seen glue types that don't really dissolve the plastic. You could possibly break the bond by simply trying to push the hatch free from the cab. Of course, you have to be extremely careful you don't bust the parts in the process.

In all cases, caution is necessary. and proceed with plenty of it. 😯
Hot Glue will come easily undone with isopropyl alcohol.

As Paul says, though, proceed with caution!
