One A Day

Early morning shot of my Northern Pacific diesel power

contest4.4 002 r.jpg

Thanks for looking!!

Very nice in Black and White

Great job! Dave
Younger granddaughter wanted some lights so we put some up.
"Turn the room lights off, Papa."
I did and she switched the lights on that were around Sovereign Street section. The area she likes to control.
Dark room with white lights. No altering of the picture.
You probably know these Br.151s were designed, at first, for heavy freight and passenger service. After a very short time in passenger service, German safety regulations changed and these locomotives did not have the required safety equipment for passenger service. They were thereafter consigned to freight service and are still in use today.

They are still in DB passenger service on my railroad.





You probably know these Br.151s were designed, at first, for heavy freight and passenger service. After a very short time in passenger service, German safety regulations changed and these locomotives did not have the required safety equipment for passenger service. They were thereafter consigned to freight service and are still in use today.

They are still in DB passenger service on my railroad.





Always liked the heavy six axle electric power. I might have seen one or two while driving through Germany in red DB scheme. But trying to pay attention to the road really prevented me from really looking though. I like the 150 class even better, but those i think are fewer and not sure if still in use. I did not know that 151 was a mixed service locomotive, i thought it was pure freight.
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If you like 6 axle heavy freight locomotives, you'll love the Br.193 Euro Dual:



Looks somewhat similar to Polish "Dragon", which actually came out several years ago:

Similar capabilities, including versions with a small diesel engine to add ability of switching unelectrified sidings and spurs. Good luck finding a model of it though, as far as i know no manufacturer decided to dip their hands into this one. I preffer older locomotives since every country back in the day had their own styling. Now they all look almost the same. I'm Polish by birth, so i really like the older Polish designs (naturally). But i also like East German designs, traditional Swiss and of course Austrian ones. Crap, the list is long😆
Might as well post something personal:

Back from several years ago when i build a layout in my appartment. ET21 freight electric with Co-Co axle layout, nicknamed "Sputnik" by Polish railfans. Tey came out starting in 1957, same year as the Russians launched their like named rocket into space.
Might as well post something personal:View attachment 191602
Back from several years ago when i build a layout in my appartment. ET21 freight electric with Co-Co axle layout, nicknamed "Sputnik" by Polish railfans. Tey came out starting in 1957, same year as the Russians launched their like named rocket into space.
Cool looking locomotive, very nice block retaining wall!

Well done! Dave LASM
