My first layout design - need input


Active Member
Here is a copy of my first attempt at my layout. I’m working in HO scale and in the modern era.

I would like to get feedback from other on what is good or bad based on what I’ve done so far. I’ve worked with xTrkCad and have attached the file for you to view the work done thus far. The curve in red is not very far off from the 18” radius set as standard HO turn so I’m not to worried about it, should I be? It’s currently a radius of 17. Above the tunnel I will have an industry that I’ve not decided on at this point. I hope to have the layout extend to left larger and will have the yard go out to left and remove the turns to left of layout to extend into a city or dock. From behind the Walther structure 933-3016 (rail builders building) there will be a mountain that will be carved out for the yard to extend to the right. I figure this will give me a chance to do some modeling of rock carving. I was thinking of having a industrial loading area in the middle of the layout where trucks can load container and maybe turn this yard into a container yard with areas for truck loading. Maybe to much for this phase. I would like to maybe have part of a city block backed to the yard and have building that would be loading from cars in the yard. Of course I will need to change the yard to have mode sidings for the industries located on the street.

I’m looking for any good ideas and please let me know what I’ve done wrong so far. I know I didn’t think much about the wires or how anything like that would need to be done.

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UPDATE: With all the feedback I’ve gotten and the fact I’m not happy with the way this layout looks (mostly because it’s not good) I’ve started over. Since I’m moving one day soon (within a year) I’m thinking I need to keep looking at the long term layout and not a small layout for now because I will be moving soon so I need to be sure what I create now will work in the future layout. I will be able to keep myself busy with the research of era and what I want to include in the layout. I may build some dioramas to practice techniques to ensure when I build the layout I have experience.
I think you've chosen a wise path. Building something like a 2x4 diorama is a good way to practice your skills and still be able to run a train. You'll be a lot happier with something you can put in the back of a pickup than a larger layout that you have to tear to pieces in a year. I've done it and it's not fun. :(
