Marx 999

Arie Knoop

New Member
Ik heb onlangs een 933 Marx O schaal nr. 999, stoomlocomotief en tender, New York Central gekregen. Maar de locomotief verandert slecht van richting. Wat zou de oorzaak kunnen zijn? Met vriendelijke groet, Arie Knoop

I recently received a 933 Marx O scale no. 999, steam locomotive and tender, New York Central. But the locomotive changes direction badly. What could be the cause? Kind regards, Arie Knoop
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If the track and the wheels are dirty, the engine will reverse at any short loss of power. This means the reverse unit operates fine.
The other problem is dirty contacts, and the wedge not moving back and forth. A spray with electrical contact cleaner will help.
The coil must work to move the pawl, that moves the wedge. The contact fingers must be touching the wedge.

Dutch Translation
Als de baan en de wielen vuil zijn, zal de motor bij kortstondig vermogensverlies achteruit rijden. Dit betekent dat de omgekeerde eenheid prima werkt.

Het andere probleem zijn vuile contacten en de wig die niet heen en weer beweegt. Een spray met elektrische contactreiniger zal helpen.

De spoel moet werken om de pal te verplaatsen, die de wig beweegt. De contactvingers moeten de wig raken.
I recently received a 933 Marx O scale no. 999, steam locomotive and tender, New York Central. But the locomotive changes direction badly. What could be the cause? Kind regards, Arie Knoop
If the track and the wheels are dirty, the engine will reverse at any short loss of power. This means the reverse unit operates fine.
The other problem is dirty contacts, and the wedge not moving back and forth. A spray with electrical contact cleaner will help.
The coil must work to move the pawl, that moves the wedge. The contact fingers must be touching the wedge.

Dutch Translation
Als de baan en de wielen vuil zijn, zal de motor bij kortstondig vermogensverlies achteruit rijden. Dit betekent dat de omgekeerde eenheid prima werkt.

Het andere probleem zijn vuile contacten en de wig die niet heen en weer beweegt. Een spray met elektrische contactreiniger zal helpen.

De spoel moet werken om de pal te verplaatsen, die de wig beweegt. De contactvingers moeten de wig raken.
Thanks for this information, cleaned the wheels and rails. Sprayed the shifting mechanism with WD40. The locomotive now changes direction properly. Got some old rails. These are rusty. How can I best clean these? Kind regards, Arie Knoop
I just use a green scotchbrite pad. The rusty tracks have no coating to preserve. Other members have used a vinegar solution and soaking technique.
Really bad track you can use a wire wheel. After cleaning, a cloth oil wipedown helps.
I recently received a 933 Marx O scale no. 999, steam locomotive and tender, New York Central. But the locomotive changes direction badly. What could be the cause? Kind regards, Arie Knoop

Thanks for this information, cleaned the wheels and rails. Sprayed the shifting mechanism with WD40. The locomotive now changes direction properly. Got some old rails. These are rusty. How can I best clean these? Kind regards, Arie Knoop

I think I have the same engine. This was my father's model train when he was a kid in Los Angeles and probably dates to mid 1940's. I have the original power supply but want to get a new one that won't cause a fire and is 220v. The old power supply is 60 cycle, 110/120v, and 13v out to track. Can you tell me what power supply you are using and where did you get it? I am also in NL. Thanks.


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