Legend of Vernal bank.....

Old 97

Interesting story.
Way back when, it was too expensive to ship bricks for the bank's construction.
Solution was to mail each brick though the United States Postal Service.
Favorite part of the saga is the railroad was involved.
I couldn't locate a suitable reference to share, (Too much interwebs garbage on sites) so I'll let you guys search it out.
Anyways, it's a great name for a bank on your layout.
And you can modify the "Legend" to fit your needs. 😊
Interesting story.
Way back when, it was too expensive to ship bricks for the bank's construction.
Solution was to mail each brick though the United States Postal Service.
Favorite part of the saga is the railroad was involved.
I couldn't locate a suitable reference to share, (Too much interwebs garbage on sites) so I'll let you guys search it out.
Anyways, it's a great name for a bank on your layout.
And you can modify the "Legend" to fit your needs. 😊
Vernal Utah? Never mind, Yup, here it is. 37 tons-o-brick.

