So I have been slowly dipping my toes back into this weird and wonderful world, knowing full well that I really don’t need yet another way to spend lots of both time and money …. At least I thought I was dipping my toes slowly ….
I think maybe I am now in up to my waist …. Trying to avoid drowning.
I have pulled out all my old stock from the last time I ran a train - at least 45 years ago. In the interim did my BAchelor’s degree in business, my Master’s in Economics, got my CPA … spent my career doing corporate restructurings - raced bicycles for many years, raised lots of puppies, a couple of accomplished young ladies.. etc. Now semi-retired, doing lots of stuff. Woodcarving, furniture making, I ride brevets, garden, kayak, play with my puppies ….. and my long suffering spouse still puts up with it all.
I made a trip to the woefully inadequate local hobby shop which is really all about RC cars and boats and has a little corner of Rr “stuff” , picked up some cork roadbed and flex track with a view to putting together a small switching shelf layout - just to see if I remember and want to go deeper - up to my armpits ……..
Of course I still can’t find my transformers - so bought a couple from an estate clearance outfit. Postage is as much as the units, but they are just DC, which is what I want. Mark this down … I am NOT going to plunge into the DCC end of the pool. No way, that is a level of cost I just do not want to start getting back into, I can buy carving tools or hand planes for that money.
I have been pleasantly surprised to find that even though I cannot find Model Railroader or Model Railroad Craftsman on the newsstand at any of my local stores - I can get them online at my library, current and past issues. They also have British and Australian magazines, they would probably have other ones if I knew the titles. It has been fun running through those magazines - but the real danger, to me, is that the more I look at them, the more I find myself falling for those double ended locomotives in Europe, Australia and the UK. I may have to run a hybrid railroad with heavy Australian freight haulers and vintage CP passenger cars!!
Of course if I ever find an N scale version of the Swiss Crocodile - all comments above may be rendered moot.
In the meantime, I have a workshop full of rough Mahogany and a wife wondering when she is getting her new dining table …….
BTW - the username is an homage to the whistlestop station on the old Kettle Valley Railway which is in the bush about 2 km from where I am sitting to type this ….