HO layout questions


New Member
Building an HO "display" layout, It will not be a "working" railroad, more of a "turn it on and let them run" Display.
I have built larger N scale layouts years ago with Peco turnouts and flex track, soldering and laying track is no problem.

The Area is 8' x 20" shelf with 38" squares on each end for a total of 14' long.

The setting will be a mid 1900's side line - log mill, scrap yard, mine ?,
Short small engines, short cars. The radius on the end turn arounds will be ~16" - 18", and DCC controlled.

1) for total reliability what track should I go with, this will be turned on and
left to run ? At the same time I want rustic smaller track (but not hand

2) Turnouts ? this will be DCC and have all small engines (0-4-0, plymouth
diesel switcher, GE 44 ?)

3) How tight can I go on the radius with these small engines ?

4) any other hints for a small display layout ?

Many thanks,

Howdy and Welcome,

1) In terms of reilaibility they are all pretty good. They vary a lot in looks though.

2) #4's will be okay as long as the rooling stock is short as well.

3) You could probably get by with 15" but it won't look great. Get a piece of flex track and create a couple circles and see if you like the performance/look.

4) The smaller the layout the more you have to plan everything--scenery, buildings, roads, etc. If you don't plan the chances of boxingyourlself into a compromise you don't want to make are pretty high.
We normally recommend no less then 22" but some 18"s depending on the use. you sound like you'd be sale with 18" but I'd stick to no less.

As for switches, #4 should be fine.
I'm currently running SD60's on 18" radius and #4's with no problems. However, it doesn't look right.

My next layout, the current one is a trial and error setup, will run 22" mainline radius and #6 turnouts while the branch lines will run 18/4.
