Hello from NY


New Member
Hello to all of you,
I have been a member for a while, but not particularly active in either the forum, or on layout construction. I have a 4x8 Layout in progress* based on the Rock Island and Moline layout in Wescott's track plan book.
*a very liberal interpretation of the word.;)
I've had two layouts with the last one being over 20 years ago. Will hopefully be starting a new one in the fall in N scale, same as the previous ones. Needless to say, I can relate to "progress"!:p What scale are you using?
Bob, I'm using H0. I can see the advantages of N, as you can do so much more in a restricted space. Do you have some idea of what you would like to build?
I'm thinking of modeling the Burlington in the 60's or possibly modern day as if the BN or BNSF had never come to be. If I go with a modern day CB&Q, I'll have a lot of painting to have done (read more money). Maybe BNSF, maybe a little of all three! Most likely Illinois locale.
