First Weathering Attempt


Here it is, my first weathering attempt. I used artist pastels to achieve the desired look. I have to admit that it looked a lot better before the Dull Cote was applied.

Critique away. I'm thick skinned and here to learn.
Looks great. Definetly better than my first attempt. =) Personnaly I would have hit things like the tops of the steps on the laders harder. Sides look great to me.
I agree with Mike. Looks better than my first attempt, but try the stairs, and trucks/couplers when you get to them.
I agree with the others, it's an excellent 1st effort - with extra bonus points for not overdoing it! (a common mistake by weathering novices)

One thing I might suggest: Go to an online photo database, such as , and look at photos of the type of car you are trying to weather. The ideal scenario is to get pics of the exact car you want to replicate, then try duplicating those exact stains and rust spots. That's what Mellow Mike does.
I'll chime in with pretty much the same advice. You can see in the photo how the bright blue edges of the roofwalk stands out, something that's easy to miss. Overall, the effect is really good. Like Ken said, find some prototype photos so you can see how the rust pattern developed. I know that later Rock Island cars didn't get the highest quality paint jobs and they deveoped quite a few rust spots as well as the streaking you've done on your car.
Great first weathering!!!! I have to say the same as Ken, get photo's to work from. That's what they keep telling me. I think some areas look shinny, maybe some dullcote can fix that. Ken said it best, you didn't overdo this for your first. My first was way over done. I woul like to see more photos.
