1033 and KLine Turnouts


New Member
I've wanted to expand my old Lionel 027 Christmas layout so I searched Ebay and aquired a pile of used track and a set of right and left K-Line turnouts. The layout laid down according to plan but wiring the turnouts and powering the track with my Lionel 1033 transformer from the mid 1950s has become very frustrating.
The 1033 seems to work perfectly when used to simply power the track. Lead wires from the track connected as center rail to U post and outside rail to A post. This results in 5 to 16 volts or use the U and B posts which measure 0 to 11 volts all through the throttle side of the 1033.
The early K-Line turnouts feature non-derail, 5 terminals, large red and green light bulbs, and the accessory three wire switch also has large red and green bulbs.
Okay, with the 1033 U, A and C posts and the three wires from the switch connected to either K-Line turnout everything looks good. An easy push of the lever selects the right of way with the corresponding lights. Both non-derail features choose the correct right of way and lights. And the hand switchig with the plastic bar works.
What doesn't work is the throttle. If I rotate it less than half way the voltage will increase to 10 volts. From there the voltage drops to almost nothing at full throttle. That's the problem! My track power is gone.
And so...if the wire from the C post of the 1033 is disconnected from its terminal on the K-Line the throttle will return to the correct operation, 5 to 16 volts, but of course the switching stops working. I can't understand why it doesn't work and am ready to pack it up.
Let us look at this picture.

kline switch.jpg

The FIrst three are from the controller. You said A was the outside and U was the center rail. The track bus should be disconnected and Terminal C connected to Fixed. How does that measure up to what you have?

If the connections are right the transformer just may be overloaded. How large and how many pieces of track are used?
Let us look at this picture.
kline switch.jpg

The first three terminals are from the controller. You said A was the outside and U was the center rail. The track bus should be disconnected and Terminal C connected to Fixed. How does that measure up to what you have?

If the connections are right the transformer just may be overloaded. How large and how many pieces of track are used?
Evidently different versions of the switch exists. Another version has the ground between the red and green.
I found a video that may help.
Evidently different versions of the switch exists. Another version has the ground between the red and green.
I found a video that may help.
Well well well, this is better. Nothing like my interpretation. My transformers' U post goes to the K-Line post marked "Track". The A post goes to "Fixed" and C post goes to "Ground". The three switch wires are attached like the drawing you sent.
Your setup would give right of way and signal, correct? I don't think it provides track power.What is the connection for track ppwer? Posts U and A of the 1033. Are they supposed to be connected somewhere.
The K-Line turnouts I bought have no identification at the five terminals nor are ther any part numbers engraved.
I'm so relieved that I even got a responce from this forum. Didn't know what to expect. Thank you for your responce Mister Dub. I will get on this in the morning. Hope to hear from you about the track power. Thanks again. Michael
I know very little about K Line track. After a while you get a knack for finding information. I would think there would be a K line terminal track for power or a track clip. The video does mention some kind of imprints to indicate the terminal use. Common was a square, The 1033 has A as Common not U as many other Lionel transformers have. U,A is variable and A,C is fixed voltage. The switches are like the ones made by Lionel.
To the amazing Mister Dub. Thank you very much. Your solution worked perfectly. All the wires from the 1033 and the switch are attached to the K-Line turnout. The picture made things easy. I did connect the U post to the "Track" terminal, the C post to the "Fixed" terminal and the A post to the "Ground" terminal. Perfect!
Altho my 2023 engine does have trouble traveling through the K-Line. Especially at slow speed.
Anyway...what a relief. Thanks again
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